Is Acne, Sun Damage, Or Wrinkles A Blessing In Disguise?

Is Acne, Sun Damage, Or Wrinkles A Blessing In Disguise?

I know that many who are facing these skin issues feel almost cursed in a way. I hear this from my readers everyday. I remember when I suffered with acne and it took up way too much room in my life. It made me feel like something was wrong with me, and you may feel...
Accutane Or Accu-Pain For Acne Sufferers?

Accutane Or Accu-Pain For Acne Sufferers?

Today I want to post on a topic I am often asked a lot of questions about. A subject I know a lot about because I have first hand experience with it. The subject I’m referring to is the use of the prescription drug Accutane. Accutane came out in the early...
Suffering From Skin Care Overkill?

Suffering From Skin Care Overkill?

I hope you had a terrific weekend! I spent much of mine working in the garden I showed you pictures of a few weeks ago. This morning I was greeted out there by a friendly (they aren’t really) Pennsylvania groundhog. He was checking out the new growth appearing...
Real Acne Falsehoods: Sex, Stress, Hormones, and Your Skin

Real Acne Falsehoods: Sex, Stress, Hormones, and Your Skin

I hope you have had a terrific week! I have been super busy helping friends with two weddings and a couple of fundraising events this past week. Talk about stress! 🙂 I have to tell you that I hear the most amazing things at public events. Often, I hear things that are...
Probiotics – Nature’s Magic Bullet?

Probiotics – Nature’s Magic Bullet?

I hope you are having a great start to the day! I just got in from picking fresh blueberries and wanted to get today’s post up for you. As promised after yesterdays scary post on antibiotics and the problems over-use have caused, I wanted to share some...
Antibiotics – Acne Cure Or Curse?

Antibiotics – Acne Cure Or Curse?

This morning I was just reading another story in the paper about MRSA or better know as (methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus). This is a staph infection that is very hard to cure. It is a bug that has become resistant to any kind of antibiotic. It seems as if...