Today I want to post on a topic I am often asked a lot of questions about. A subject I know a lot about because I have first hand experience with it.

The subject I’m referring to is the use of the prescription drug Accutane.

Accutane came out in the early 1980’s, about the same time that it became common to have benzyl peroxide and salicylic acid (see my prior posts on these two chemicals) used in over the counter products.

I was prescribed all of these by my dermatologist to try and clear up my acne, as the antibiotics I was taking were not working at all.

As you can imagine, after dealing with unrelenting severe acne in my teen years consisting of daily sickening doses of antibiotics and hypo shots in the face once a week, I was just about willing to try anything!

Accutane is not and never has been an inexpensive therapy. The prescription is itself expensive and there are required bi-monthly lab costs to have the lipid profiles in your blood checked.

Since the time I have taken it of course, there is a lot more information on the side effects of the drug, some of which I did experience. I wrote extensively about it in my book “Acne Free in 3 Days”.

As a result there are many lawsuits against the makers of Accutane and you need only do a Internet search on the subject to find the vast amount of problems with this drug.

Many teen suicides have been linked to this drug as well. The amazing thing to me is I took it twice and each time my acne would return and be much worse after a short period of clearing.

Today I help many clients with this same experience.

There are many side effects you need to know and consider before choosing this road. There is a complete list that can be found here:

As for what I went through personally, it was not fun. This drug made me feel achy and sick much of the time.

I lost a good deal of hair including my eyebrows, something a young person doesn’t want to have happen. In the end, my acne came back and it wasn’t until I learned what to do by detoxing and using non-chemical skin care products, that I walked away from acne skin for good.

On a positive note, it can probably be said that my experience with the drug Accutane contributed to my deep desire to help people suffering with skin conditions, that make them feel one bit less than the great person they really are.

It’s a commitment I intend to keep for as long as I’m around.

I always like to give everyone more access to information that you can use today, so visit the next link below to get step-by-step information on how to keep your skin healthy, clear, and youthful looking.

Learn More About Ginale Skin Care Here

Wishing you a healthy and joyous day,

Chris Gibson
The Hardest Working Guy In Skin Care

“Inspiring Healthy Choices For Better Living.”